How A Good Night’s Sleep Can Guarantee A Better Relationship

How A Good Night’s Sleep Can Guarantee A Better Relationship

Did you realise just how much sleep can affect your relationship?

My guess is probably not. A lack of sleep can be a key reason that problems occur in relationships, and it’s no secret as to why. In fact, a common occurrence is couples having issues when they have children and this isn’t necessarily to do with the children, it’s to do with the resulting lack of sleep. There are of course other reasons why you might, as a couple, experience poor sleep. Perhaps your bed isn’t suitable, or maybe your routines are out of sync, but whatever the reason might be – you need to make some changes before it starts to affect your relationship.

There are actually a few ways how sleep can affect your relationship.

Sleep enables us to be more empathetic.

In a relationship, whether that be a new relationship or a long-standing marriage, empathy is everything. Empathy forms the bedrock of every conversation, interaction, reaction and action in a relationship, and without it, things can become difficult. Feelings can be invalidated, mutual understanding becomes non-existent and ultimately, a relationship can suffer. With better quality sleep, we are more empathetic and therefore, better partners.

Sleep helps us to be less be angry and aggressive.

You’ll have definitely heard the phrase ‘somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning’ and this is exactly right, and here’s why. Though experiments have not confirmed that lack of sleep causes aggression, people who report sleep disturbance do tend be more aggressive and violent, and people who sleep poorly are more frequently aggressive toward their partners. With a better night’s sleep, our emotions are more in check and we harbour less anger as a result.

Sleep ensures that we manage our stress levels.

Believe it or not, the right amount of sleep can reduce your stress levels. Stress comes in many forms and can occur for many reasons, and sleep is arguably the most effective way in which we can manage the stresses of day-to-day life. Without the correct amount or quality of sleep, stress can lead to a variety of other issues including poor physical health, suffering mental health and issues in relationships too.

So, how do you get a better night’s sleep?

Create a proper night time routine.

A lot of people struggle to go to sleep or stay asleep, and a lot of this can be down to a night time routine. There are a number of ways you can change up your routine before bedtime to guarantee a better night’s sleep. This could include staying away from blue light sources for a couple of hours before bed – screen time essentially. Additionally, avoid caffeinated drinks so that you’re able to fall asleep naturally and comfortably. Another good idea is to choose your actual time for bed each night and try and keep it consistent. This way, your body adjusts to when you’re ready to go to sleep.

Be sure your bed offers the right support.

There’s no doubt about it. An uncomfortable mattress, with bedding that might be too hot or too cool, can drastically affect the way you sleep during the night. These small changes can have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep, and – given the fact that sleep is so important – don’t buy cheap to buy twice! If you choose a quality brand for your new mattress, such as Simba, the investment you make into your sleeping schedule will return for years to come as you enjoy a peaceful night’s rest. You could even take it a step further and kit your full bed out! New pillows, new sheets, or a Simba Hybrid Essential Mattress Topper could create the ultimate level of bedtime comfort you crave.

Make the most of sharing your bed with your partner.

Believe it or not, cuddling and intimacy can actually improve your sleep, and there’s some actual science behind it. Cuddling has been shown to release oxytocin in the brain. Commonly known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle chemical,” oxytocin calms you and relieves stress—a major reason why people struggle to fall and stay asleep. Oxytocin helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol so you can snooze more easily. Fancy that!

Naomi Narrative

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