TAKE THE TEST: Which Love Language Are You?

TAKE THE TEST: Which Love Language Are You?

We all have unique ways of giving and receiving love – this much is clear.

Sometimes though, things can become cloudy as we try to navigate our developing relationships whilst trying to figure out which love language our partner’s respond to. Believe me when I say that figuring this out is CRUCIAL to the success of your relationship.

Without knowing your partner’s love language, you might not actually recognise when and how they’re showing you just how much they love you, and it goes both ways too. If your love language isn’t noticed by your significant other, you’ll be left feeling unappreciated, undervalued and worst of all – unloved.

Of course, all love languages are different. In fact, if you’re unsure which love language applies to you, you can take this test to discover your love language online. Research suggests that there are actually five clear love languages that are: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.

Words of Affirmation

Unlike the other love languages, words of affirmation explicitly express how much your partner means to you. For those who value this love language, regularly reminding them of their importance is essential. You can convey this verbally or in writing. Even a simple note with a compliment or a few encouraging words can make a significant impact.

Acts of Service

When it comes to those whose love language is acts of service – actions definitely speak louder than words. If this is your partner’s love language – they will recognise the small things you do for them. Not necessarily grand gestures or material things. Just a simple ‘I made you a cup of tea’ or ‘I’ve put the bath on for you’ or ‘I’ve put your pyjamas on the radiator’. Small acts of service show that you care and for some more than others, they mean the absolute world and truly show that you love them.

Receiving Gifts

The love language of giving and receiving gifts is often misunderstood as materialistic, but it’s really about sentiment. Offering a gift to your partner shows you’re thinking of them and gives them something they can cherish. The gift doesn’t need to be extravagant or costly—it’s truly the thought that matters. It could be as simple as picking up their favourite snack (Dairy Milk for me please) or buying them a book they’ve been wanting to read.

Quality Time

If your partner’s love language is quality time, it’s crucial to engage in uninterrupted moments together, without distractions like your phone or work tasks. The focus is on quality, not quantity, so being fully present, even for a brief five-minute conversation, will mean a lot to them. You can also plan intentional time together, like trying a new restaurant or a weekend away or even just going for a couple of drinks. Any time away from the day-to-day, together, without interruption – is quality.

Physical Touch

Physical touch isn’t just about sex, though that can be an important part of many relationships. If your partner’s love language is physical touch, they value simple gestures like hugging, holding hands, or even just sitting close together. These small acts of affection can mean a lot to them. Intimacy is integral to all relationships, and although intimacy can look different to many people, physical touch is by far the most effective way to feel intimate with a partner.

Interesting Stuff, Right?

I certainly think so! It goes without saying though, that no matter which love language applies to you – understanding your partner on a deeper level, showing empathy and communicating effectively will ultimately be the key to a strong, stable and happy relationship – full of love.

Naomi Narrative

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