Whether you’re engaging with that special someone or deciding to take your skills to the next level and turn them into a business, learning a thing or two about phone sex can be both fun and useful.
Of course, you want whoever is on the other line to feel comfortable, and the best way to accomplish that feat is for you to not feel awkward and enjoy the interaction. Sure, some can get away with faking their enthusiasm through the whole encounter so they can get it over with. But then, if you’re committing your time and energy, you may as well make an effort to lose yourself in the moment and have fun.
Be Chilled
The most important step is to relax. It sounds amazingly simple, but at first, it isn’t uncommon for anxiety to set in. Just take a deep breath, and remember that the other person on the phone wants to be doing this with you. Whether the call is with someone you care about or if you’re on the business side, eliminating tension and awkwardness enhances the experience for everyone involved. There’s no reason to feel embarrassed.
Be Confident
Sometimes, you have to look good to feel good. Confidence isn’t always easy to come by, and it’s natural to feel a little insecure initially. Don’t underestimate the little things you can do to help give you a boost, including dressing the part. Of course, no one else is around to see how you look, but often, all it takes is for you to see yourself. Taking pride in your looks easily translates to how you speak and behave. If your ultimate goal is phone sex, then the mood will be that much easier to achieve.
Be Comfortable
Even with these guidelines, that shouldn’t convey the impression that there should be an undue amount of pressure when you’re considering phone sex. The point is to have fun, not to follow a strict set of rules. If you’re being too rigid, then there’s really no reason to move forward. If you feel like the conversation is awkward, go ahead and laugh about it. You both are on the line for the same reason, and it’s okay to acknowledge that you’re out of your comfort zone. Displaying humility in any situation is a commendable and attractive quality. You won’t know how it will go until you try.
Don’t feel like you have to go from zero to sixty in any situation!
Forcing the conversation just to get it over with will likely result in a lackluster encounter. Starting with a more low-key conversation to set the mood is common for both couples and professionals.
For those who have mastered the craft and are looking to turn a profit by setting up their own operation, there are companies that specialise in assisting prospective small business owners in this industry with financing and opening up a phone sex merchant account, in addition to other resources. Would you believe it?
So, the next time you’re away from a loved one, or a lover for that matter, don’t sweat the small stuff. Be chilled, confident and comfortable and reap the rewards!