So, you’ve got deadline after deadline to meet at work, the kid’s clothes need to be washed, you need to finish reading the book you’ve started, you need to go a get a present for your brother birthday.
How are you supposed to fit dating in too?
There are a lot of people who don’t date, purely because they don’t feel like they have the time. However, that isn’t necessarily true.
We all tend to find the time to do the things that are important for us, this is because we prioritise them.
If you really want to find a partner and are serious about it then you also need to be serious about finding the time.
Let’s have a look at some of the tips that could help:
Schedule It In Your Diary
However much you want to fall into the arms of your true love, we don’t live in a Romcom and therefore need to take an active approach when it comes to dating. Set aside a few nights a week to go on a date and also pencil in some time to date online, use sites like Match, POF, chatlinedating.com/gay and others, and then take the time to speak to the people who you have found that you like. Pencilling in ‘date-time’ might seem a bit overboard, but if it’s in there, there is more chance that it will happen.
Have A Time Limit
It’s too easy to respond to a match online, get distracted, and then a few hours have passed and you’ve made a bad impression. The best daters manage their time well, this means setting yourself a time limit. If you know you have an hour free respond to your matches, but don’t leave the conversation open-ended. If you’ve started talking to someone that you like, set another time to speak to them and stick to it.
Know What You Are Looking For
When it comes to dating, you need to know what you are looking for in a potential partner. If someone doesn’t tick your important boxes then don’t waste your time, but don’t be rude about it. Ok. so you might have a few things in common like film choices, but do they share the same values? You need to invest your precious time into someone you can see a future with.
Use Your Commute
If you have to commute on a daily basis, then use it! Chances are you’re already glancing over Facebook and Instagram, so why not download an app and this way you’re using your commute for good use. Using dating apps is a great way to use up your down-time in a useful and convenient way.
Take A Break Away
If your schedule has filled up all of a sudden but you usually have more time, there is no harm in taking your dating shoes off for a little while to focus on other areas of your life. In fact, taking the time away to recharge and refocus could be one of the best things that you do.
These five tips should help you to find a little more time for dating.
Do you have any other tips that you could share in the comments below?