V-Day is nearly here.
It’s the time of year when you’re either head over heels in love prancing about the streets with cupid following you closely behind, or you’re totally avoiding all human contact and retailers so as to not get sucked into the hallmark season. Nevertheless, it’s coming, and it’s a good excuse to celebrate – whether you’re single, in a relationship, married, whatever.
A big part of Valentine’s Day generally tends to be a gift.
Of course, we Western folk allow for materialism to take precedence but sometimes, why the hell not? I am obviously not suggesting you get yourself into debt by purchasing lavish presents for your significant other, but a token of some description to show someone you love them is always well received. What got me thinking the other day is that generally, the lifespan of a Valentine’s Day gift is pretty short-lived.
Couples in relationships, in particular serious, long-term relationships (didn’t mean for that to sound so ominous) spend day-in, day-out together. Sometimes, the result of which can be slowly falling into a humdrum partnership of same-old shit, different day. Date night becomes dinner at the same restaurant with the same meals at the same time in the same place, sex becomes a predictable act of little effort, genuine romance can quickly dissolve between two people if not given the appropriate attention.
I’m not saying we stop trying intentionally but let’s face it, life just gets in the way.
We unknowingly begin to take the small stuff for granted and quickly forget about what brought you both together in the first place. With this in mind, it’s absolutely imperative that you take the proverbial bull by the horns when it comes to your relationship. Be proactive in setting aside time for your relationship. I don’t mean time to half-watch a film together while you sit on your phones and finish off the bottle of red that Aunty Pauline got you for Christmas. I mean real, quality, romantic time… and that includes what goes on in the bedroom.
Rather than a one-off Valentine’s Gift this year, get a gift that keeps on giving.
The Sway is a pleasure package subscription that lands on your doorstep every two months to give you a range of new and exciting products, toys, hints, games and more to explore together. Just as I said, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. With this gorgeous box of goodies arriving at your house every two months, you’re left not having to worry about how to mix things up or researching which new things to try.
All that NSFW google-searching is taken away from you as the experts behind the scenes have done it all.
Not only that, but each box is specifically themed so each time you try it out, you know you’ll be getting stuck into something completely new. The Sway is the ultimate relationship game changer, and in my eyes? A bit of a God send. With life getting in the way of our relationships – whether it be work, family, children, home, friends, whatever it may be – it’s too easy to fall into routine, especially where our sex lives are concerned.
This Valentine’s Day, rather than settling for the cliches like flowers and chocolates (although there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that), perhaps think outside the box? (See what I did there?) The Sway – being a subscription service – means it is literally a gift that keeps on giving. All you have to do is continue to open up your package and in short, drop your draws and enjoy some real, romantic, sensual, sexual experiences with your s/o.
How can you say no to that?!