Oh My God! You Shouldn’t Have!
If you haven’t blurted out your undying love for your fellow beau already, or maybe you have, but you want to show them again and again just how much love you have for them, you may be thinking of a gift to spoil your other half and express the way you feel! For our anniversary this year, I didn’t just go out and spend a pretty penny on stocking fillers. I actually did a selection of drawings of scenarios that are all too familiar to my other half and I. Humour, because most of the drawings related to doing each other’s head in, and love, because I took the time to draw them all by hand. Who says I’m not the old romantic, eh? It’s hard to find the right gift sometimes and if you’re struggling like I was, you’ve come to the right place for some inspiration now…
Whisk Them Away
A spontaneous trip away is the perfect plan to source somewhere you think they would like and show your other half how much you love them. Yes, of course, it’s just as romantic to keep it local as it is to go worldwide. Arranging car hire in Edinburgh and travelling the North Coast 500 would be just as magical as an all inclusive Caribbean resort – it’s what you make of it. Naturally, there are classic couples getaways Paris and Rome to consider, but try and stretch beyond these romantic hot-spots and think about your significant other’s personality and destinations they’ve always wanted to travel to. Perhaps they’ve always talked about going to Mexico since you met, or visiting the Full moon party in Thailand. Is there a better way to say I love you than by making their dream destination happen?
Diamonds and Rubies!
A tried and tested, ‘I love you’ gift, and go-to for many wanting to express their affection for their partner is jewellery. Perhaps a necklace with two halves, or matching bracelets. Or if your relationship has reached the next level, browsing Coastal Crescent engagement rings might be the next natural step to take. Whether it’s a handmade jewellery piece or made by the finest jewellers, your partner is sure to love whatever piece of jewellery you have put thought into finding.
A Home Cooked Meal
They say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but we have no reason to believe this should only be limited to men! All of us are fans of delicious food, and so using a bit of effort and your culinary skills to whip up something special will always be a gift that’s received well from your significant other. Whether you want to go all out and sizzle some steak in the pan with a side of stir-fried veg, or perhaps make some homemade burgers, for your burger-loving partner and then finish off with some Oppo Icecream to get you in the mood. Preparing and cooking a meal for your other half is definitely a winner if you want to express the L word.
Okay, so maybe not a mix-tape, this isn’t the 90s, but a CD or Spotify playlist to send to your one and only, and express how you feel through other people’s songs. How romantic! You could include your joint-favourites, songs that take you down memory lane and even add in a couple of wild-card songs for a spot of spontaneity.
This idea doesn’t need to cost you much money and is a great gift to make for the arts and craft lovers out there. It’s a chance to get your creative juices flowing. All you need is some coloured paper, scissors, staples, glitter and perfume at the ready to create your very own exclusive coupons. On each ticket, you can grant a wish to your other half to use whenever they want. So, it could mean you create a coupon for them to redeem a back massage or maybe a cinema date to see a film they’re dying to watch. This is your opportunity to get creative and create something personal and unique.
Love Letter
Perhaps, you’re not quick at thinking on your feet, take time to process what you want to say, or are too bashful to tell your boyfriend/girlfriend what you really think. Luckily there is a solution to your problem – a love letter. This is the all-time romantic way to pen your heartfelt words. Plus it gives you the chance to edit it as you go along and add bits in when something springs to mind. You can write about whatever comes to mind. Memories you’ve shared, the moment you both met when you knew they were the one, what you think your future will look like. Love letters are super romantic, and it’s a beautiful gift for your other half to keep and revisit time and time again.
Memory Box
Speaking of memories, you could always create a special box of souvenirs you’ve kept throughout your relationship. It can include anything from a few pictures to a fortune cookie reading, a shell from the beach you found on your first holiday together, a pressed rose from the flowers you received as a gift on Valentine’s day. A memory box is a great way to show how far you’ve come and make you both excited about what the future will bring.
There are so many things you can buy, make, say and do to confess your love or to make a romantic effort with your other half. With the inspiration above, you are sure to impress and make your partner feel loved. So, are you feeling creative?
These are all super-cute ideas! I love the idea of writing a love letter or making some “love coupons”- has a personal touch and perfect for if you’re on a budget!