Twas The Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas and there in the flat, In the lounge, on the sofa, the single girl sat. Her friends were with their partners and she was alone, She felt she had every…

Tis The Season To Be Brazen

Right, it’s not often I’m negative but here goes. Normally, I see everything as sunshine and rainbows but I’ve had quite enough of seeing (and hearing of) people moaning and groaning about being single at…

The Wanderer Returns

I arrived at work ready for another great day in the think tank. Granted, my decision to have a Gossip Girl marathon the night before had left me more tired than usual but in hindsight,…

Oh God. I Like Him.

I knew she’d do this. She always does it. “Let’s have a girly night”, she says, “it’ll be fun!” she says, yet there I was – propping up a seedy bar with a gin and…

I Got Stood Up

Great, it was 7:30pm and I only had half an hour until we were due to meet. My hair was still up in rollers and I was yet to glue on my eyelashes, not to…

Winter Is Coming

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that as the festive season approaches, a time of dark nights and fairy lights, we tend to feel slightly sorrier for ourselves than usual. I’m not necessarily referring to us…