It’s Okay To Play (With Yourself)

Did you know that May is National Masturbation Month?  No, nor did I until about 10 minutes ago, but you wouldn’t would you. Masturbation still seems like an incredibly taboo topic of conversation and you…

The Date That Never Spoke

It wasn’t a particularly exciting night. In fact, it was more ordinary than most. As always, I’d finished work and made my way home to indulge in an evening of secret eating, binge watching television…

15 First Date Feels From WWE

A first date is never an easy experience. Sure, in the back of our minds, we adopt a carefree attitude and at face value, attempt to show that it’s just a casual drink and chat…

What Does It Mean To Be Ghosted?

Ghosting. I think we’ve all done it for one reason or another, but I’m here to tell you that it’s not big and it’s not clever. It’s bloody ridiculous. Ghosting is the new fangled term…

10 Monsters Of Online Dating

With the rise of dating apps and meeting people online, it’s no surprise that there can be a few horrors thrown into the mix. You’ve definitely got to sieve through the mud to find the…