5 Things Men HATE About Us Women

Over the last couple of days, the world of social media has been plagued with news of a young woman named Felicia Czochanski who contributed an article to a magazine, which has now gone viral.…

Is Technology Killing The Tryst?

“Wow. That sex was amazing. Why don’t we… oh, you want to scroll through Facebook. Okay. You’re doing it. Well, I’ll just lie here, and, yeah, you just catch up on your newsfeed” We’ve all been…

Is Going Down Going Up?

Remember the days when you’d read a dating column or article and it’d be all bunny rabbits and rainbows, talking about finding the perfect partner, or falling hopelessly head over heels in love? Well, you…

How soon is “too soon”?

After another particularly productive day  at the office, I left for the long walk home to clear my mind of the multitude of tasks that had preoccupied my thoughts for the majority of the day. The…