Oh God. I Like Him.

I knew she’d do this. She always does it. “Let’s have a girly night”, she says, “it’ll be fun!” she says, yet there I was – propping up a seedy bar with a gin and…

He’s Just Not That Into You

I know you’re gonna hate me for using this phrase, don’t worry, I hate myself for using it too but it is a truth universally acknowledged that at times, it can be a struggle reading…

Sex & The Self-Conscious Woman

It has come to my attention that, in today’s society, we as women are predominantly judged on our looks. No, before you suggest I take an anti- “brains are better than beauty” stance on the…

Is Bigger Really Better?

It’s the age old argument which has plagued the minds of many men and women for years and years, and it’s really no secret as to why. We live in a society that is sexualised…

Why DOES He Do That? (Ft. Colin Tate)

As I’ve got older, I’ve become much more distanced from my friends, not emotionally, but physically. My closest friends and I are now situated at different ends of the UK and we definitely don’t see…

5 Things Men HATE About Us Women

Over the last couple of days, the world of social media has been plagued with news of a young woman named Felicia Czochanski who contributed an article to a magazine, which has now gone viral.…

Is Technology Killing The Tryst?

“Wow. That sex was amazing. Why don’t we… oh, you want to scroll through Facebook. Okay. You’re doing it. Well, I’ll just lie here, and, yeah, you just catch up on your newsfeed” We’ve all been…