The Matchmaker Making Waves
Dating has become a bit of a grey area for a lot of people, and of all ages and situations might I add. I’m sure you know as well as me that there are that…
Dating has become a bit of a grey area for a lot of people, and of all ages and situations might I add. I’m sure you know as well as me that there are that…
Dating is stressful enough, this much is clear. I mean, I suppose the hard part’s over when you both agree to go on the date but then there’s all the nitty gritty in between before…
Breaking up is never easy. Whether you’ve been together for 20 minutes or 20 years, it’s still a big emotional battle that no one really wants to be involved in but we all find ourselves…
Swinging is one of those grey-area kinda things, even in this day and age. I’ve met loads of people involved one way or another (oo er) – people who go to swingers parties, couples who…
As women, it’s safe to say that we all have a list of insecurities as long as our arms. It’s pretty normal. I know for one that sometimes, I go out feeling like a million…
Apparently, according to science and all that, the way we sleep in bed with our partners actually says a hell of a lot about our relationships. When I first mulled over this idea, I thought…
Online dating is dead! That’s right you read it here first. Well, it certainly is a truth according to the UK’s newest dating app – Soda. Weird name right? Not really. Soda stands for ‘social…
My friend Noemi and I (what are the chances eh?) got together the other night as she was in a bit of a tiz. Surprisingly not about her own love life, but of that of…